Frequently Asked Questions
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FAQs - Why it’s not just about your pelvic floor
Q: What is pelvic health?
Pelvic health is a pelvic floor that is strong and coordinated with breath and movement, and that functions well in all aspects of your life. Poor pelvic health can manifest in conditions such as incontinence, prolapse or pain; for example leaking urine when you laugh, an inability to control wind, a dragging sensation at the end of the day, low back pain when sitting or abdominal bulging when lifting.
Q: What treatments do you offer?
My treatment is hugely varied including exercises, lifestyle guidance and advice. It’s evidence-based and customised to you to help you get back to doing the things that are important to you.
Q: I’ve been told my pelvic floor is weak and I’ve been squeezing with no improvement. How can physio help?
Pelvic Health Physio is not just about “squeezing”. A strong pelvic floor is one that can fully lengthen and fully contract under load and be coordinated with breath and movement. Sometimes physio treatment doesn’t initially involve any squeezing at all, until we’ve addressed factors such as muscle tightness, breathing patterns, lifestyle and everyday movement.
Q: How is my back pain connected to my pelvic floor?
Your pelvic floor is known as a "core stabiliser" and is connected to your low back muscles. Weak, tight or poorly coordinated pelvic floor muscles can manifest in problems not just in the pelvic floor but in other areas of your body such as your lower back. To improve your symptoms, it’s imperative we find the drivers to your problem and target them.
Just 5 to 10 minutes a day has really put me in control of my bladder, rather than my bladder controlling me! Life-changing.
— Vicky
FAQs - What to expect from a pelvic floor exam
Q: Do you carry out a pelvic floor examination at every appointment?
No, an examination will only be performed as necessary and this can be at your initial assessment or at a later date of your choosing if you need more time to think about it. In some circumstances, I may repeat an examination at follow up but this is likely to be several months later with your explicit consent, and only if necessary.
Q: I’ve concerns about having a pelvic floor examination. I’ve not had good experiences of smear tests in the past and am worried that a pelvic floor examination will be painful.
It’s understandable that fear of pain, discomfort or embarrassment might stop you from having your pelvic floor examined.
Let me reassure you that I will assess you with sensitivity and dignity. Using a gloved hand through palpation of the vaginal wall, I assess muscle tightness, areas of tenderness or pain and muscle strength and coordination.
This reveals essential information to guide your rehab and help you understand your pelvic floor in the context of your life and goals.
I was apprehensive regarding the appointment but Emma immediately put me at ease, examined me with confidence, kindness and sensitivity and explained everything clearly and professionally.
— Sarah
FAQs - Is the online exercise programme right for you?
Q: I still have a tummy gap and leak sometimes when I cough. Is this programme ok for me?
Yes, this programme is not only safe for these issues but will enable you to work on them to improve them. One of the reasons we are so passionate about delivering this programme is to empower and support mums like you not to put up with these complaints and others like it such as back pain, pelvic pain, poor posture, incontinence or pelvic floor weakness after having your baby.
Q: My youngest is 5 years old and I’m finally putting aside time for myself. Is it too late for me to join the programme?
No, it isn't too late for you to join. This programme is beneficial whether you're months or years postpartum.
Q: I’m looking for a programme that isn’t just a fitness programme but helps me be active and live well in everyday life. Is this programme for me?
Yes, our programme is not just a fitness programme. It encompasses many aspects of pelvic health, to help you get:
Stronger pelvic floor
Improved posture
Better breathing patterns
Safer lifting technique
Improved diastasis/tummy gap
Increased body awareness
Better understanding of bladder, bowel and sexual function
Increased energy and strength to deal with mum life
Q: Who runs the classes?
Myself and Claire Fitzpatrick run the classes - we are pelvic health physiotherapists who specialise in the pre and post-natal period, and are both mums - so we get it!
Q: Where do I watch the videos?
The programme is delivered online from our private members at The Mothership Physio (TMP) where you can view the videos. You ask us questions in a monthly clinic call and connect with like-minded mums in our TMP Village Whatsapp group.
Q: When can I join?
Any time that suits you. We offer 1 and 3 monthly subscriptions
Q: I’m in! How do I sign up?
Join at The Mothership Physio HERE.
“Emma and Claire are incredibly knowledgeable women's health physios. Great, accessible exercises to suit every type of mum. They have really helped me with lower back pain after pregnancy and labour. Can't recommend highly enough.”
— Nicki